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Grass Allergy

Are you itchy and sneezy lately?

Grass can be an issue all year long in Texas, Florida, and Arizona, but the grass season is most remarkable during the spring and summer. While grass pollen may not be visible in the air, your body can react to even the tiniest amount.

Grass pollen is usually responsible for grass allergies. It’s normal to experience itchiness or runny nose after even a walk in the park.

Frontier Allergist provides proper testing and treatments for any condition of grass allergies. In this blog, we will talk about grass allergy and its causes.

What is Grass Allergy?

A grass allergy is also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever. When a person’s immune system mistakenly perceives harmless airborne substances, such as grass pollen as harmful, the body releases chemicals, including histamine, in response and causes symptoms of hay fever

Pollen from grass scatters in the wind, which is slightly different from pollen that spreads due to insects, and is far more accessible for you to breathe in, causing the allergies.

Types Of Grass Allergies

Your allergies may be to a single type of grass or several types. If you can identify the type of grass causing your allergy, you may be able to avoid it. 

The most common cause of grass allergies:

  • Bermuda grass
  • Johnsongrass
  • Kentucky grass
  • Orchard grass
  • Ryegrass
  • Sweet vernal grass
  • Timothy grass

Grass Allergy Causes Include:

You can suffer from grass allergies if you’re allergic to certain types of grass seed.

  • Pollen Is Present In Grass

While grass pollen doesn’t appear visible, it produces allergens similar to trees, ragweed, and other weeds. When pollen circulates through the air, it causes symptoms such as:

  1. Runny nose
  2. Itchy, watery eyes
  3. Sore throat
  4. Headache
  • It Is Nearly Impossible To Avoid Direct Contact

Aside from getting grass pollen into your nose and eyes more easily, it can also cause contact dermatitis for some people. When grass is in contact with your skin, you may develop a rash or skin irritation, making it a more irritating allergen than it already is.

  • Pollen From Grass Sticks To Your Clothes

Pollen circulates through the air and sticks to your clothing, shoes, and hair while you’re outside. You may be indoors when you observe the pollen related symptoms. With constant exposure, grass allergy symptoms never cease.

  • Reactions Can Occur With Certain Foods

In addition to Oral Allergy Syndrome, grass pollen allergies can also cause other side effects. Some fresh fruits and vegetables cause mild mouth and throat itching in those who are allergic to grass.

Due to similar protein structures, raw fruits and vegetables can cause allergic reactions because the body misinterprets the food. See our blog about “Grass Allergy Allergy Foods to Avoid”.

What Can I Do To Feel Better?

For reducing symptoms, there are options. To achieve the most effective results, you can choose these measures.

  1. Use antihistamines, nasal rinses, or topical creams to relieve your symptoms temporarily.
  2. Immunotherapy can help you build a long-term tolerance for grass allergies over time.

What Is The Best Way To Diagnose And Treat Grass Allergies?

Allergists diagnose and treat allergies, including grass allergies. We at Frontier Allergy offer testing and treatment for grass allergy symptoms. Please make an appointment with us today.

Frontier Allergy takes care of the symptoms and helps you with specific needs and treatment of Grass Allergy.

Please call 512-382-1933 or email to schedule an appointment today!

Written/Reviewed by: Dr. Neha Reshamwala
NPI number: 1780874578
Page last reviewed: 09/03/2024

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